Reaching out and sharing experience
This is a new community resource covering a variety of topics that will, we hope, be useful for community organisations undergoing change, community business development or creating new forms of governance.
Our news feeds will keep you up to date on funding, Charity Commission updates and the news from the Church of England, in concert with the Near Neighbours Programme.
What others do in the world to effect change can often create passionate communities for change at home.
We will add feature articles to this page, constantly updated and refreshed, that we hope will help you and your community persevere with your enterprise ambitions.
Do book mark our pages above, or visit our site, as we cycle and refresh our content regularly. We hope to become a reliable and regular resource for your project.
(We’re happy to feature your success as well as ask the enterprising community for reflection on things that aren’t going so well too!)
Subscribe to our news feed.
Inspiring story?
Use our ‘contact us’ box, bottom left, to ask our partners a question. (A no fee service always).

Helping community enterprise flourish