Funding in Enterprising Communities…
Raising money for your project.
There is no ‘add water’ solution to this question. Every business project is different and has different needs and expectations.
If you have become a charity, then you can both trade and seek grants for your work from Trust Funds, for example. Your business plan becomes crucial.
If you have started a more traditional company, but one which has social aims, then you can think about the newly emerging Social Finance marketplace.
This provides both traditional charities and emergent social businesses with access to grants, but more often, to loans.
See Big Society Capital, deals through intermediaries generally.
See Mining the SEEM , our social enterprise journal with regular pieces on funding and grants.
Community Investment Coalition – pages on Responsible Finance and some resources too.
Bidding for grants? Simple things matter…
Checking the basics
Have you… Yes/ No?
- Read and understood the guidelines about what the scheme will support and how to complete the form?
- Answered all the questions on the application form fully?
- Completed any equal opportunities monitoring forms?
- Included any supporting information requested on separate sheets?
- Completed the declaration section with authorised signatures?
- Provided full contact information for someone who can answer questions from the funder?
The 5 C’s Test
Compliance Are you eligible to apply?
Criteria Does your proposal meet the main criteria of the
fund (or specification of services is this is an invitation to tender)?
Content Have you answered all the questions on the
form? Have you included your supporting material?
Clarity Is it clear what you want to do, and how you plan
to do it? Is it clear what any partners’ roles and
contributions will be? Does the language used avoid jargon?
Have you explained any technical terms and
spelled-out any acronyms used?
Competition Have you got a clear USP (unique selling point)?
Have you thought about how you might look in comparison with the potential competition?
Checklist source: NCVO, Funding Central, Cabinet Office